Showing 1–12 of 16 results

Alphonso Mango

Renowned globally, the Alphonso Mango stands as India's crown jewel, celebrated for its unparalleled sweetness and luscious pulp. Grown in the warm, tropical climates of Maharashtra, these mangoes boast a rich, creamy texture and a unique flavor profile with hints of apricot and honey. Prized for their fragrance and succulence, Alphonso Mangoes signify the peak of India's mango season, embodying a perfect balance of sweetness and tang. Navkar Impex brings the regal essence of Alphonso Mangoes to international markets, ensuring mango lovers worldwide savor the royal taste of India's most sought-after mango variety.


India's apples, nurtured in diverse climates, offer a symphony of flavors and textures. From the juicy sweetness of Himachal Pradesh's Royal Delicious to the tangy notes of Kashmir's Granny Smith, these apples reflect India's agricultural richness. Prized for their freshness and nutritional benefits, Indian apples are a testament to the country's fertile orchards. Navkar Impex ensures that these apples, embodying nature's crisp delight, reach global markets, inviting all to savor the wholesome goodness of India's orchard-fresh bounty.


India's bananas, cultivated across diverse terrains, are nature's powerhouses of nutrition and taste. From the creamy sweetness of the Robusta to the slender elegance of the Yelakki, these bananas represent India's agricultural diversity. Rich in potassium, vitamins, and dietary fibre, Indian bananas offer a natural energy kick and aid in digestion. Navkar Impex ensures the global availability of these bananas, sourced from India's lush plantations, allowing people worldwide to relish the delightful flavours and nutritional benefits of these tropical delights.


Indian Chikoo, also known as sapodilla, embodies nature's, natural sweetness. Grown in India's tropical regions, these fruits are prized for their caramel-like flavour and grainy texture. With a brown, rough exterior and soft, creamy interior, Chikoo offers a delectable treat that's both sweet and satisfying. Rich in vitamins and minerals, Chikoo not only satiates sugar cravings but also contributes to overall health. Navkar Impex sources these sweet treasures, ensuring their freshness and unique taste are shared with global markets. Indulge in the rich, caramel sweetness of Indian Chikoo, adding a delightful twist to culinary creations and healthy snacking worldwide.


India's vineyards produce a diverse tapestry of grapes, showcasing an array of flavours and colours. From the succulent sweetness of Thompson Seedless to the vibrant hues of Red Globe grapes, each variety tells a story of India's fertile soils and favourable climates. Bursting with antioxidants and vitamins, Indian grapes offer a healthy indulgence. Navkar Impex brings these vineyard treasures to global markets, ensuring the world experiences the exquisite taste and nutritional richness of Indian grapes cultivated in the sun-kissed lands across the country.


Indian guavas, cultivated in the tropical climates of the country, stand as delightful treasures bursting with flavor. With a fragrant aroma and a blend of sweetness and tanginess, these guavas offer a refreshing indulgence. Rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, Indian guavas not only satisfy taste buds but also support immune health and digestion. Navkar Impex sources these tropical delights, ensuring their freshness and natural goodness reach global markets. Discover the tropical charm and healthful benefits of Indian guavas, adding a tropical twist to culinary adventures worldwide.


Indian Jamun, also known as Java Plum, embodies a unique purple hue and distinct sweet-tangy taste. These small, dark berries boast a slightly astringent flavour with a hint of sweetness, offering a refreshing burst of taste. Rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients, Jamun holds potential health benefits, supporting overall well-being. Navkar Impex sources these purple jewels, ensuring their freshness and unique flavour are shared with global markets. Delight in the exotic sweetness and tangy notes of Indian Jamun, adding a unique touch to culinary explorations and promoting health-conscious choices worldwide.


Indian lychees, hailed for their exotic sweetness and floral aroma, thrive in the lush orchards of the country. Encased in a rough, pinkish-red shell, these delicate fruits reveal tender, translucent flesh bursting with juicy sweetness. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, Indian lychees offer a refreshing and nourishing treat. Navkar Impex sources these exotic delights, ensuring their freshness and unique flavor profile are shared with global markets. Indulge in the tropical allure of Indian lychees, savoring their delightful taste and benefiting from their nutritional goodness, adding an exotic touch to culinary creations worldwide.


Indian Mosambi, also known as sweet lime, exudes a subtle citrus elegance with its pale green exterior and tender, juicy pulp. These fruits offer a delicate sweetness and a refreshing tartness, creating a unique flavor profile. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, Indian Mosambi provides a refreshing taste along with potential health benefits. Navkar Impex sources these citrus delights, ensuring their freshness and unique citrusy essence are shared with global markets. Experience the subtle sweetness and tangy zest of Indian Mosambi, adding a touch of citrus elegance to beverages and culinary creations worldwide.


Indian muskmelons, known for their aromatic sweetness, flourish in the country's temperate climates. These melons, with their webbed, textured rinds and juicy, pale-orange flesh, offer a delectable combination of sweetness and subtle musky undertones. Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, Indian muskmelons provide a refreshing treat along with potential health benefits. Navkar Impex sources these fragrant delights, ensuring their freshness and unique aroma reach global markets. Indulge in the delicate sweetness and refreshing fragrance of Indian muskmelons, adding a touch of exotic allure to culinary creations and healthy lifestyle choices worldwide.


Indian oranges, cultivated in sunny orchards, embody the essence of citrus sunshine. Bursting with tangy-sweet flavors and vibrant hues, these fruits offer a refreshing zest. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, Indian oranges are not just a delightful snack but also contribute to a healthy immune system and radiant skin. Navkar Impex procures these citrus gems, ensuring their freshness and nutritional benefits are shared with global markets. Experience the vibrant burst of Indian oranges, infusing a ray of citrus sunshine into culinary creations and healthy lifestyles worldwide.


Indian papayas, thriving in the country's tropical climates, present a tropical wonder with their golden-orange flesh and vibrant taste. These fruits offer a luscious sweetness balanced with a hint of tanginess. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes like papain, Indian papayas not only satisfy taste buds but also support digestive health. Navkar Impex sources these tropical delights, ensuring their freshness and tropical essence are shared with global markets. Experience the juicy sweetness and subtle tang of Indian papayas, adding a tropical touch to culinary creations and promoting overall well-being worldwide.